I set out to make a nice video/post about the graduation party, the planning of it all with my lessons learned, and I will get to that. But, as I began editing the Grad Party Video I ended up creating a little video for my son, and the journey we've been on these last 13 years. So, that's this video.
The Grad Party:
Graduation is a wonderful milestone that gives us a reason to celebrate with family and friends.
A girlfriend and I actually coordinated a joint party for my son and her daughter. Our families have grown up side-by-side. You know double the mom power is always better!
I made pulled pork, lots of seasonings, cooked low, slow and perfect. So easy!
(Pork Butt - Adobo Seasoning, Garlic Powder, Onion Powder, Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil. Cover with aluminum foil for 300 degrees, 8 hours.)
My husband made brisket in the Instapot. My mom made her famous potato salad, my aunt made a special bean dish, and my pal made bbq ribs. All of the food was excellent, and I think it was because everyone had just one or two things to focus on. It really lessoned the stress of entertaining.

We ordered each of our grads a cake. One is Strawberry whipped cream from Publix $60. The other, chocolate on chocolate from CostCo $20 (YUP $20!). Both were hits.
Besides great food, we wanted to have a couple of interesting things for our guests and grads.
The Party Facts:
Music was pumped in via our bluetooth speaker,
Decorations were from Amazon and the Dollar Tree,
Must have fun inflatable unicorn,
Selfie station and ring light,
Huge #22 balloons,
The Wise Old Owl (Home Goods) for sharing Words of Wisdom with our graduates. (this was actually my pal's idea. So Cute!)
Grad Announcements created on Walgreens.com. I ended up buying a couple, and using a screenshot as my digital announcement and invite. Shhh.
I paid my daughter to make a graduation video for my son. We played it at the party and it was a tear jerker! She's a great editor!
It was a very nice afternoon for family and friends to come together, especially after so much time apart.
The grads ended up partying in the pool until 1am. As they said, "This is our last time together like this." And, they were right!
Lessons learned:
1. Costco gives you 2 pork butts. Only make 1. Freeze the other for another day.
2. Dividing up the cooking was perfect! Makes me want to have another party!
3. Borrow a neighbor's fridge for your cold stuff. Thanks Neighbor!
4. Fewer decorations with 2022 on them. Then, I can re-use them for my daughter's grad party in a couple of years.
5. People really liked the Words of the Wisdom Station with the little advice note cards.
6. Take more family pictures before the grad changes out of their cap and gown! We will never get them to put that thing back on.
7. I asked the grads to say a couple of words. It was a great idea, BUT I should have given them a warning. Finally, they said thank you to their family and friends for coming. LOL
8. We having our grad invest some of the monetary gifts he received. This way, he will have a little bundle. Or, if an emergency comes up, he will have access to pull the money out if needed. Markets are always changing, so this has to be money you are comfortable leaving alone for a while.
9. Have togo containers for people to take home leftovers and dessert!
Well, Congrats Parents and Grads! Or, given the last few years, Phew! Glad that is finally over!

I am a writer, producer, content creator, professor, adventure seeker. and sadly, I've had to be gluten-free for over 15 years. So, I am kind of an expert. I am passionate about, or maybe obsessed with, entertainment and my latest binges, my favorite gluten-free foods, projects and design, and adventure. And, I'll sprinkle in social commentary.
Because somethings need to be said Out Loud.
#MicheleGerber #MicheleWashington #MichelleGerber #MicheleWashingtonGerber #FilmReview #Blogger #Producer #Writer #Author #YouTube #Graduation #Family #Cake #Party #GraduationParty #GradParty #Senior #GraduationVideo #LifestyleBlogger #Lifestyle #AllGrownUp
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